Minor changes for October, blender projects on Ko-Fi

Hey everyone,

When I started the Patreon page, with the $5 tier I had only one comic in the works, so promising a free download of the packaged, released version was a no-brainer. However since then I have added a second ongoing story and a third I’m working on in the background, without changing anything on the support amount.

Before you think of the worst, NO the 5$ tier is not going anywhere. You will get all the comic pages, multiple days a week, as before.

That being said, the 5$ will only get the ‘Basic Edition’ on Gumroad for free, and I’m opening a 10$ tier for those who want guaranteed access to the bonus edition of the comics in one package.

So in short:

– 5$ gets all the pages on here, as previously. Guaranteed access to ‘Basic Edition‘ on Gumroad for supported months/comics. 50% off coupon for ‘Bonus Editions’

– new 10$ tier gets the same pages as the 5$ tier. Guaranteed access to ‘Bonus Edition‘ on Gumroad for supported months/comics. 50% off coupon on ANY comic or bundle on Gumroad. (code changes monthly)

And to reassure you, in case I fall behind on schedule or need more time than I anticipated, as is the case with Personal Pleasures, the first person comic, even if you decide to or have to cancel your pledge before release, you will get your rewards when the content comes out. So all of you September supporters who had to/chose to cancel will still get the finished comic. A promise is a promise.

Some other news:

I’ve once again started learning and playing around in blender, trying to make the move from DazStudio, my main program for now, to blender. But this is a long and tricky process with lots of pitfalls. So until I can commit to producing quality content in blender on a regular basis, I’ll keep wip images, behind the scenes stuff and everything to do with it on my Ko-Fi page. Updates will happen as I find time for it, probably irregularly and with silent periods, as making comics is still the main focus.

But if you are interested in what the future holds, you support is very much appreciated over there too.

I think that’s all for now. Back to working on new pages for this week!